Travel Safety

Protect yourself and others when travelling

For the safety of yourselves and others, face coverings must now be worn by all passengers, staff and operators in the following settings:

Illustration of man in wheelchair wearing a face covering

  • Train, bus, tram and subway services, plus all stations
  • Ferry services (unless the ferry is large enough for physical distancing to be practised at all times)
  • Airline services and airports
  • Taxis and private hire vehicles

A face covering is a facial covering of the mouth and nose, that is made of cloth or other textiles through which you can breathe, for example a scarf. Alternatively, you may use a face visor which covers your nose and mouth completely.

You must provide your own face covering, which should feel comfortable when worn.

Religious face coverings that cover the mouth and the nose are recognised as face coverings for these regulations.

Who is exempt?

You may have an acceptable reason not to wear a face covering if:

Illustration of lady with walking stick and face covering

  • You have a health condition where a face covering would be inappropriate because it would cause pain, severe distress or anxiety, or because you cannot apply a covering and wear it in the proper manner safely and consistently.
  • You need to take medication
  • You need to communicate with another who relies on lip reading
  • You have a reasonable need to eat or drink
  • You are a child under the age of five
  • A person of relevant authority (e.g. police officer) requests for you to remove your face covering
  • Staff such as drivers who are physically separated by physical means (e.g. screens) from other staff and passengers

If you are exempt

If you are exempt from wearing a face covering, the Thistle Assistance card and App is an easy and safe way to let the transport staff know. Order the Thistle Assisstance Card or download the Thistle Assistance App today.

Illustration of 'I am exempt from wearing a face covering' message on card and app

More Information

You can find more advice on how to travel safely from Transport Scotland here.

Full guidance on the use of suitable face coverings is available from the Scottish Government here.

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